Line Description The Italian word "Cupido", which means "desire, love, desire", fits perfectly into our collection of heart-shaped vessels of the same name. This collection allows you to serve a variety of delicacies, such as delicious pralines, pieces of fruit or exquisite antipasti, creating unforgettable moments while enjoying delicious dishes together. No matter what specialties you serve, our Cupido collection will always emphasize the romantic atmosphere of any candlelight dinner with your loved one. All dishes are made of delicate, snow-white porcelain, which gives them exceptional elegance and will evoke pleasant emotions among all your guests. Product Description The Cupido heart-shaped baking dish is an irreplaceable helper that will add a romantic character to your baking and will charm all your guests. Thanks to this charming dish, your casseroles, cakes and other delicacies will take on a unique appearance that will attract the eye and awaken the senses. The Cupido baking dish is made of the highest quality porcelain, which guarantees even and effective heat distribution, which translates into perfect baking results. You can safely experiment with different recipes and enjoy beautiful, tasty baked goods.
Женский, Мужской
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